- Primetime Emmy
Engineering Award corecipient as a member and key contributor of the Joint Collaborative Team
on Video Coding for the development of the High
Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard in 2017.
- Best Associate Editor Award for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology in 2016.
- Named IEEE Fellow for extraordinary contributions to video
coding research and standardization in 2015.
- Certificate of Merit from the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) for the outstanding journal paper "The
New High Efficiency Video Coding Standard", received in 2014 (together
with H. Schwarz and B. Bross).
- Nominee for the
2012 German Future Prize (together
with H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand), awarded by the German Federal President.
- Karl Heinz Beckurts
substantial contributions in the area of video coding, received in 2011
(together with H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand).
- Best Paper
Award of
the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for the paper "Overview of the
Scalable Video Coding
Extension of the H.264/AVC
Standard", received in 2009
(together with H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand).
- Primetime Emmy Engineering Award
corecipient as a member of the Joint Video Team as well as key contributor and
co-editor of the High Profile of H.264
| MPEG-4 AVC in 2008.
- Joseph von
Fraunhofer Prize
for outstanding application-oriented
scientific achievements, received in 2004 (together with H. Schwarz and
T. Wiegand).
- Best Paper Award of the Information Technology Society in the VDE
(ITG) for the paper "Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic
in the H.264/AVC Compression Standard", received in
(together with H. Schwarz and T. Wiegand).