Karsten Müller received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degree from the
Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in 1997 and 2006 respectively.
In 1993 he studied Electronics and Communication Engineering for one year
at Napier University of Edinburgh/Scotland, including a
half-year working period at Integrated Communication Systems Inc. in
Westwick/England. Here, he developed software for voice
mail systems and statistical analysis of caller data. |
In 1996 he joined the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI) Berlin, were he is heading
the Efficient Deep Learning Group in the Department of Artifical Intelligence.
He is also a project coordinator for European projects in the field of neural
network compression and federated learning.
His research interests include multidimensional video coding, efficient federated
learning and compression of neural networks. He has been involved in projects,
focusing on multimedia content description, 3D scene representation, 2D and 3D
video coding, and efficient representation, coding and transmission of neural
He has been involved in international standardization activities, successfully
contributing to the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group for work items on visual
media content description, multiview, 3D video coding and neural network compression
and representation. Here, he co-chaired an adHoc group on 3D Video Coding.
Some of this work can also found in the
publication’s section.
Dr. Müller has served as chair and editor in IEEE conferences, and
is senior area editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
He is senior member of the IEEE (M'98-SM'07).