inp_par_enc Struct Reference

all input parameters More...

#include <params.h>

Collaboration diagram for inp_par_enc:

Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int ProfileIDC
int LevelIDC
int IntraProfile
int no_frm_base
int no_frames
int qp [2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]
int qpsp [2]
int frame_skip
int jumpd
int DisableSubpelME
int search_range
int num_ref_frames
int P_List0_refs
int B_List0_refs
int B_List1_refs
int Log2MaxFNumMinus4
int Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4
FrameFormat source
FrameFormat output
int is_interleaved
int src_resize
int src_BitDepthRescale
int yuv_format
int intra_upd
int slice_mode
int slice_argument
int UseConstrainedIntraPred
int SetFirstAsLongTerm
int infile_header
int MultiSourceData
VideoDataFile input_file2
VideoDataFile input_file3
VideoDataFile input_file1
char outfile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char ReconFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char TraceFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char StatsFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char QmatrixFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int ProcessInput
int EnableOpenGOP
int EnableIDRGOP
int grayscale
int idr_period
int intra_period
int intra_delay
int adaptive_idr_period
int adaptive_intra_period
int start_frame
int GenerateMultiplePPS
int GenerateSEIMessage
char SEIMessageText [INPUT_TEXT_SIZE]
int ResendSPS
int ResendPPS
int SendAUD
int skip_gl_stats
int NumberBFrames
int PReplaceBSlice
int qpBRSOffset [2]
int direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag
int directInferenceFlag
int BiPredMotionEstimation
int BiPredSearch [4]
int BiPredMERefinements
int BiPredMESearchRange
int BiPredMESubPel
int sp_periodicity
int si_frame_indicator
int sp2_frame_indicator
int sp_output_indicator
char sp_output_filename [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char sp2_input_filename1 [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
char sp2_input_filename2 [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int WeightedPrediction
int WeightedBiprediction
int WPMethod
int WPIterMC
int WPMCPrecision
int WPMCPrecFullRef
int WPMCPrecBSlice
int EnhancedBWeightSupport
int ChromaWeightSupport
int UseWeightedReferenceME
int RDPictureDecision
int RDPictureIntra
int RDPSliceWeightOnly
int RDPSliceBTest
int RDBSliceWeightOnly
int SkipIntraInInterSlices
int BRefPictures
int HierarchicalCoding
int HierarchyLevelQPEnable
char ExplicitHierarchyFormat [INPUT_TEXT_SIZE]
int ExplicitSeqCoding
char ExplicitSeqFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int ReferenceReorder
int PocMemoryManagement
int symbol_mode
int of_mode
int partition_mode
int InterSearch [2][8]
int DisableIntra4x4
int DisableIntra16x16
int FastMDEnable
int FastIntraMD
int FastIntra4x4
int FastIntra16x16
int FastIntra8x8
int FastIntraChroma
int DisableIntraInInter
int IntraDisableInterOnly
int Intra4x4ParDisable
int Intra4x4DiagDisable
int Intra4x4DirDisable
int Intra16x16ParDisable
int Intra16x16PlaneDisable
int ChromaIntraDisable
int EnableIPCM
double FrameRate
int chroma_qp_index_offset
int full_search
int last_frame
int qp2start
int rdopt
int I16rdo
int subMBCodingState
int Distortion [TOTAL_DIST_TYPES]
double VisualResWavPSNR
int SSIMOverlapSize
int DistortionYUVtoRGB
int CtxAdptLagrangeMult
int FastCrIntraDecision
int disthres
int nobskip
int ForceTrueRateRDO
int PicInterlace
int MbInterlace
int IntraBottom
int LossRateA
int LossRateB
int LossRateC
int NoOfDecoders
int ErrorConcealment
int RestrictRef
int NumFramesInELSubSeq
int RandomIntraMBRefresh
int ChromaMCBuffer
int ChromaMEEnable
int ChromaMEWeight
int MEErrorMetric [3]
int ModeDecisionMetric
int SkipDeBlockNonRef
int DFSendParameters
int DFDisableIdc [2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]
int DFAlpha [2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]
int SparePictureOption
int SPDetectionThreshold
int SPPercentageThreshold
char SliceGroupConfigFileName [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int num_slice_groups_minus1
int slice_group_map_type
int * top_left
int * bottom_right
int * run_length_minus1
int slice_group_change_direction_flag
int slice_group_change_rate_minus1
int slice_group_change_cycle
int redundant_pic_flag
int pic_order_cnt_type
int context_init_method
int model_number
int Transform8x8Mode
int ReportFrameStats
int DisplayEncParams
int Verbose
int RCEnable
int bit_rate
int SeinitialQP
unsigned int basicunit
int channel_type
int RCUpdateMode
double RCIoverPRatio
double RCBoverPRatio
double RCISliceBitRatio
int RCMaxQPChange
int UseMVLimits
int SetMVXLimit
int SetMVYLimit
SearchType SearchMode
int UMHexDSR
int UMHexScale
int EPZSPattern
int EPZSDual
int EPZSFixed
int EPZSTemporal
int EPZSSpatialMem
int EPZSBlockType
int EPZSMinThresScale
int EPZSMaxThresScale
int EPZSMedThresScale
int EPZSSubPelGrid
int EPZSSubPelME
int EPZSSubPelMEBiPred
int EPZSSubPelThresScale
int UseExplicitLambdaParams
int UpdateLambdaChromaME
double LambdaWeight [6]
double FixedLambda [6]
char QOffsetMatrixFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int OffsetMatrixPresentFlag
int AdaptiveRounding
int AdaptRoundingFixed
int AdaptRndPeriod
int AdaptRndChroma
int AdaptRndWFactor [2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]
int AdaptRndCrWFactor [2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]
int ScalingMatrixPresentFlag
int ScalingListPresentFlag [12]
int cb_qp_index_offset
int cr_qp_index_offset
int LosslessCoding
int EarlySkipEnable
int SelectiveIntraEnable
int DisposableP
int DispPQPOffset
int NumRedundantHierarchy
int PrimaryGOPLength
int NumRefPrimary
int ToneMappingSEIPresentFlag
char ToneMappingFile [FILE_NAME_SIZE]
int separate_colour_plane_flag
double WeightY
double WeightCb
double WeightCr
int UseRDOQuant
int RDOQ_QP_Num
int RDOQ_CP_Mode
int RDOQ_Fast
int EnableVUISupport
VUIParameters VUI

Detailed Description

all input parameters

Definition at line 21 of file params.h.

Field Documentation

reinitialize start of intra period

Definition at line 80 of file params.h.

int AdaptRndCrWFactor[2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]

Weighting factors for chroma components based on reference indicator and slice type.

Definition at line 310 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateOffset4x4Param().

Set period for adaptive rounding of JVT-N011 in MBs.

Definition at line 307 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_slice(), and encode_one_slice_MBAFF().

int AdaptRndWFactor[2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]

Weighting factors for luma component based on reference indicator and slice type.

Definition at line 309 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateOffset4x4Param().

Global rounding for all qps.

Definition at line 306 of file params.h.

Referenced by allocate_QOffsets(), CalculateOffset4x4Param(), CalculateOffset8x8Param(), free_QOffsets(), InitOffsetParam(), and update_offset_params().

number of reference picture in list 0 in B pictures

Definition at line 39 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), init_slice(), PatchInp(), report_stats(), TestWPBSliceAlg0(), TestWPBSliceAlg1(), TestWPBSliceAlg2(), and wpxAdaptRefNum().

number of reference picture in list 1 in B pictures

Definition at line 40 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), init_slice(), PatchInp(), report_stats(), TestWPBSliceAlg0(), TestWPBSliceAlg1(), TestWPBSliceAlg2(), and wpxAdaptRefNum().

Max number of Iterations for Bi-predictive motion estimation.

Definition at line 103 of file params.h.

Referenced by BiPredBlockMotionSearch(), and set_mbaff_parameters().

Search range of Bi-predictive motion estimation.

Definition at line 104 of file params.h.

Referenced by BiPredBlockMotionSearch(), EPZSStructInit(), and PatchInp().

Use of subpixel refinement for Bi-predictive motion estimation.

Definition at line 105 of file params.h.

Referenced by BiPredBlockMotionSearch().

int BiPredSearch[4]

Bipredictive motion estimation for modes 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, and 8x8.

Definition at line 102 of file params.h.

Referenced by is_bipred_enabled(), and PatchInp().

B coded reference pictures replace P pictures (0: not used, 1: used).

Definition at line 134 of file params.h.

Referenced by field_picture(), information_init(), init_frame_params(), init_poc(), PatchInp(), prepare_second_layer(), ProfileCheck(), and SetImgType().

POC type.

Definition at line 247 of file params.h.

Direct Mode type to be used (0: Temporal, 1: Spatial).

Definition at line 98 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_frame(), and PatchInp().

Direct Mode Inference Flag.

Definition at line 99 of file params.h.

Referenced by GenerateSequenceParameterSet(), LevelCheck(), PatchInp(), and ProfileCheck().

Disable sub-pixel motion estimation.

Definition at line 34 of file params.h.

Referenced by BiPredBlockMotionSearch(), BlockMotionSearch(), and PatchInp().

support for IDR closed gops with no shared B coded pictures.

Definition at line 73 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateFrameNumber(), code_a_picture(), compute_frameno_params(), PatchInp(), and prepare_second_layer().

support for open gops.

Definition at line 72 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_sequence(), init_slice(), is_gop_first_unit(), and PatchInp().

Error concealment method used for loss-aware RDO (0: Copy Concealment).

Definition at line 206 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_encoder().

char ExplicitHierarchyFormat[INPUT_TEXT_SIZE]

Explicit GOP format (HierarchicalCoding==3).

Definition at line 137 of file params.h.

Referenced by interpret_gop_structure().

number of frames to skip in input sequence (e.g 2 takes frame 0,3,6,9...)

Definition at line 31 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateFrameNumber(), compute_frameno_params(), init_img(), PatchInp(), and updateOutFormat().

int grayscale

encode in grayscale (Currently only works for 8 bit, YUV 420)

Definition at line 74 of file params.h.

Referenced by ReadOneFrame().

If input file has a header set this to the length of the header.

Definition at line 60 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), and getNumberOfFrames().

VideoDataFile input_file1

VideoDataFile input_file2

Input video file2.

Definition at line 62 of file params.h.

VideoDataFile input_file3

Input video file3.

Definition at line 63 of file params.h.

IDR picture delay.

Definition at line 78 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateFrameNumber(), init_frame_params(), PatchInp(), and prepare_second_layer().

intra picture period

Definition at line 77 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), PatchInp(), ProfileCheck(), rc_init_GOP(), SetImgType(), updateLastBU(), and updateNegativeTarget().

int intra_upd

For error robustness. 0: no special action. 1: One GOB/frame is intra coded as regular 'update'. 2: One GOB every 2 frames is intra coded etc. In connection with this intra update, restrictions is put on motion vectors to prevent errors to propagate from the past

Definition at line 51 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), init_field(), init_frame(), and report_stats().

Force Intra Bottom at GOP periods.

Definition at line 199 of file params.h.

Referenced by field_picture().

int jumpd

number of frames to skip in input sequence including intermediate pictures (e.g 2 takes frame 0,3,6,9...)

Definition at line 32 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_sequence(), init_field(), init_img(), and PatchInp().

int LevelIDC

value of syntax element level_idc

Definition at line 24 of file params.h.

Referenced by IdentifyLevel(), information_init(), LevelCheck(), and report_stats().

value of syntax element log2_max_frame_num

Definition at line 41 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp().

value of syntax element log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4

Definition at line 42 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp().

int LossRateA

assumed loss probablility of partition A (or full slice), in per cent, used for loss-aware R/D optimization

Definition at line 202 of file params.h.

Referenced by Build_Status_Map().

int LossRateB

assumed loss probablility of partition B, in per cent, used for loss-aware R/D

Definition at line 203 of file params.h.

Referenced by Build_Status_Map().

int LossRateC

assumed loss probablility of partition C, in per cent, used for loss-aware R/D

Definition at line 204 of file params.h.

Referenced by Build_Status_Map().

int no_frames

number of frames to be encoded

Definition at line 28 of file params.h.

Referenced by CalculateFrameNumber(), compute_frameno_params(), encode_sequence(), getNumberOfFrames(), init_encoder(), PatchInp(), and prepare_first_layer().

number of frames to be encoded

Definition at line 27 of file params.h.

Referenced by compute_frameno_params(), information_init(), init_frame_params(), PatchInp(), rc_init_GOP(), rc_init_gop_params(), and UpdateSubseqInfo().

"FmoNumSliceGroups" in encoder.cfg, same as FmoNumSliceGroups, which should be erased later

Definition at line 232 of file params.h.

Referenced by GeneratePictureParameterSet(), PatchInp(), ProfileCheck(), and read_slice_group_info().

number of entries to allocate redundant pictures in a GOP

Definition at line 329 of file params.h.

Referenced by Init_redundant_frame(), PatchInp(), and Set_redundant_frame().

number of reference frames for primary picture

Definition at line 331 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_slice().

int of_mode

Specifies the mode of the output file.

Definition at line 145 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), PatchInp(), start_sequence(), and terminate_sequence().

Enable Explicit Quantization Offset Matrices.

Definition at line 303 of file params.h.

Referenced by Init_QOffsetMatrix(), and InitOffsetParam().

char outfile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

H.264 compressed output bitstream.

Definition at line 66 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), and start_sequence().

FrameFormat output

number of reference picture in list 0 in P pictures

Definition at line 38 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), init_slice(), PatchInp(), report_stats(), and wpxAdaptRefNum().

Specifies the mode of data partitioning.

Definition at line 146 of file params.h.

Referenced by Build_Status_Map(), create_coding_state(), information_init(), init_slice(), malloc_slice(), and ProfileCheck().

encoding of redundant pictures

Definition at line 245 of file params.h.

Referenced by GenerateSequenceParameterSet(), init_poc(), and PatchInp().

Memory management based on Poc distances for hierarchical coding.

Definition at line 142 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_slice(), and PatchInp().

GOP length of primary pictures.

Definition at line 330 of file params.h.

Referenced by Init_redundant_frame(), PatchInp(), and Set_redundant_frame().

Filter Input Sequence.

Definition at line 71 of file params.h.

char QmatrixFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Q matrix cfg file.

Definition at line 70 of file params.h.

Referenced by Init_QMatrix().

char QOffsetMatrixFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Quantization Offset matrix cfg file.

Definition at line 302 of file params.h.

Referenced by Init_QOffsetMatrix().

int qp[2][NUM_SLICE_TYPES]

QP values for all slice types (first and second group).

Definition at line 29 of file params.h.

Referenced by create_hierarchy(), information_init(), init_field(), init_frame(), interpret_gop_structure(), rc_alloc_quadratic(), and UMHEX_DefineThresholdMB().

int qpBRSOffset[2]

QP for reference B slice coded pictures.

Definition at line 97 of file params.h.

Referenced by create_hierarchy(), information_init(), init_field(), and init_frame().

int qpsp[2]

QPSP quantization value.

Definition at line 30 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), init_field(), and init_frame().

Number of pseudo-random intra-MBs per picture.

Definition at line 210 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_img().

int RCEnable

If enabled, does not check QP variations for B slices.

Definition at line 132 of file params.h.

Referenced by rd_picture_coding().

Perform RD optimal decision between various coded versions of same picture.

Definition at line 128 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), init_img(), init_slice(), PatchInp(), rc_allocate_memory(), rc_free_memory(), and rc_init_frame().

Enabled RD pic decision for intra as well.

Definition at line 129 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame().

Tests B slice replacement for P.

Definition at line 131 of file params.h.

Referenced by rd_picture_coding(), TestWPPSliceAlg0(), TestWPPSliceAlg1(), and TestWPPSliceAlg2().

If enabled, does not check QP variations for P slices.

Definition at line 130 of file params.h.

Referenced by rd_picture_coding().

char ReconFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Reconstructed Pictures.

Definition at line 67 of file params.h.

Referenced by information_init(), and PatchInp().

Reordering based on Poc distances.

Definition at line 141 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp(), and reorder_lists().

run_length_minus1 is for slice group type being 0

Definition at line 238 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_params(), GeneratePictureParameterSet(), and read_slice_group_info().

search range - integer pel search and 16x16 blocks. The search window is generally around the predicted vector. Max vector is 2xmcrange.

Definition at line 35 of file params.h.

Referenced by Clear_Motion_Search_Module(), EPZSStructInit(), information_init(), init_encoder(), Init_Motion_Search_Module(), InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch(), PatchInp(), report_stats(), UMHEX_get_mem(), UMHEXBipredIntegerPelBlockMotionSearch(), UMHEXIntegerPelBlockMotionSearch(), and UMHEXSetMotionVectorPredictor().

int SendAUD

send Access Unit Delimiter NALU

Definition at line 91 of file params.h.

Referenced by rewrite_paramsets(), start_sequence(), and write_non_vcl_nalu().

Support for temporal considerations for CB plus encoding.

Definition at line 59 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_slice(), and PatchInp().

Flag indicating whether SI frames should be encoded rather than SP frames (0: not used, 1: used).

Definition at line 110 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), free_global_buffers(), and init_global_buffers().

Skip intra type checking in inter slices if best_mode is skip/direct.

Definition at line 133 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_macroblock_high(), encode_one_macroblock_highfast(), and encode_one_macroblock_highloss().

Argument to the specified slice algorithm.

Definition at line 57 of file params.h.

Referenced by end_macroblock(), LevelCheck(), malloc_slice(), PatchInp(), and slice_too_big().

slice_group_id is for slice group type being 6

Definition at line 237 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_params(), GeneratePictureParameterSet(), and read_slice_group_info().

Indicate what algorithm to use for setting slices.

Definition at line 56 of file params.h.

Referenced by Build_Status_Map(), end_macroblock(), LevelCheck(), malloc_slice(), next_macroblock(), PatchInp(), and start_macroblock().

char SliceGroupConfigFileName[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Filename for config info fot type 0, 2, 6.

Definition at line 231 of file params.h.

Referenced by read_slice_group_info().

FrameFormat source

source related information

Definition at line 45 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), getNumberOfFrames(), init_img(), PatchInp(), rc_init_GOP(), and updateOutFormat().

Flag indicating whether switching SP frames should be encoded rather than SP frames (0: not used, 1: used).

Definition at line 111 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), init_field(), init_frame(), and list_prediction_cost().

char sp2_input_filename1[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Filename of coefficients of the first bitstream when encoding SP frames to switch bitstreams.

Definition at line 114 of file params.h.

Referenced by read_SP_coefficients().

char sp2_input_filename2[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Filenames of coefficients of the second bitstream when encoding SP frames to switch bitstreams.

Definition at line 115 of file params.h.

Referenced by read_SP_coefficients().

char sp_output_filename[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Filename where SP coefficients are output.

Definition at line 113 of file params.h.

Referenced by output_SP_coefficients().

Flag indicating whether coefficients are output to allow future encoding of switchin SP frames (0: not used, 1: used).

Definition at line 112 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), and list_prediction_cost().

The periodicity of SP-pictures.

Definition at line 108 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_global_buffers(), information_init(), init_global_buffers(), PatchInp(), ProfileCheck(), report(), and SetImgType().

Control if input sequence bitdepth should be adjusted.

Definition at line 49 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp(), and updateOutFormat().

Control if input sequence will be resized (currently only cropping is supported).

Definition at line 48 of file params.h.

Referenced by updateOutFormat().

Encode sequence starting from Frame start_frame.

Definition at line 82 of file params.h.

Referenced by getNumberOfFrames(), ReadFrameConcatenated(), ReadFrameSeparate(), and ReadTIFFImage().

char StatsFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Stats File.

Definition at line 69 of file params.h.

Referenced by report_stats().

Specifies the mode the symbols are mapped on bits.

Definition at line 144 of file params.h.

Referenced by create_coding_state(), GeneratePictureParameterSet(), information_init(), malloc_slice(), PatchInp(), ProfileCheck(), and report_stats().

char ToneMappingFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

ToneMapping SEI message cfg file.

Definition at line 335 of file params.h.

int* top_left

top_left and bottom_right store values indicating foregrounds

Definition at line 235 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_params(), GeneratePictureParameterSet(), and read_slice_group_info().

char TraceFile[FILE_NAME_SIZE]

Trace Outputs.

Definition at line 68 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp().

Use Weighted Reference for ME.

Definition at line 127 of file params.h.

Referenced by init_mv_block(), and SetupFastFullPelSearch().

Weighted prediction for B frames (0: not used, 1: explicit, 2: implicit).

Definition at line 119 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_slice(), GenerateParameterSets(), malloc_slice(), PatchInp(), and ProfileCheck().

Weighted prediction for P frames (0: not used, 1: explicit).

Definition at line 118 of file params.h.

Referenced by free_slice(), GenerateParameterSets(), malloc_slice(), PatchInp(), and ProfileCheck().

int WPIterMC

Iterative WP method.

Definition at line 121 of file params.h.

Referenced by encode_one_frame(), encode_one_slice(), init_frame(), and InitWP().

int WPMethod

WP method (0: DC, 1: LMS).

Definition at line 120 of file params.h.

Referenced by InitWP().

YUV format (0=4:0:0, 1=4:2:0, 2=4:2:2, 3=4:4:4).

Definition at line 50 of file params.h.

Referenced by PatchInp(), ProfileCheck(), and updateOutFormat().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Documentation generated with DoxyGen